If you are looking for sad quotes in Urdu copy paste, you have come to the right place. Sadness is a part of life, and expressing emotions through words can be comforting. Here, you will find deep sad poetry in Urdu that truly reflects feelings of heartbreak and loneliness. Whether you need sad quotes in Urdu for WhatsApp status or want to share emotional poetry in Urdu, you can easily copy and paste these quotes. From broken heart quotes in Urdu to love and life Urdu quotes, every line here is filled with deep emotions. Feel free to explore and express your sorrow through these heart-touching words. Friends poetry in Urdu text | single attitude quotes
گزر جائے گا یہ دور بھی، ذرا صبر تو رکھ!
جب خوشیاں ہی نہ رکیں تو غم کی کیا اوقات ہے!!
In this quote, the author says that difficult times are temporary and will eventually pass. Just as happiness doesn’t last forever, sorrow also has no permanence. The key is to remain patient and have faith that better days will come. 😊
نہ ساتھ کسی کا نہ سہارا ہے کوئی
نہ ہم کسی کے نہ ہمارا ہے کوئی
In this quote, the author says that they feel completely alone, with no one to support or stand by them. It reflects a deep sense of isolation, where they neither belong to anyone nor does anyone belong to them. This quote captures the pain of loneliness and the emptiness one feels in the absence of companionship.
بچھڑنے والے کا مان رکھنا تھا
سو میں نے خود کو بے وفا لکھا
In this quote, the author says that they chose to take the blame for being unfaithful in order to protect the dignity of the person who left. Instead of revealing the true reason for the separation, they accepted the title of being disloyal, showing their deep respect and sacrifice for the one they lost.
نام میرا تھا سب سے اوپر
اس نے لکھی تھیں چند بیکار چیزیں
In this quote, the author says that their name was written at the top, but only as part of a list of meaningless things. This reflects a deep sense of disappointment and heartbreak, suggesting that someone they valued did not see their worth and treated them as insignificant.
اس کی اک ذرا سی خوشی کے لیے
میں نے اپنے ہی حق میں بد دعا کر دی
In this quote, the author says that they sacrificed their own well-being just to see their beloved happy. It expresses deep selflessness and unconditional love, where they even prayed against their own happiness if it meant bringing joy to the one they cared for.
کبھی ملے فرصت تو اتنا ضرور بتانا
وہ کون سی محبت تھی جو ہم تمہیں نہ دے سکے
In this quote, the author says that if their beloved ever gets the time, they should let them know what kind of love was missing in their relationship. It reflects a deep longing and sorrow, questioning whether their love was ever enough or if something remained unfulfilled despite their efforts.
غم زندگی نے کچھ ایسی تلخیاں بھی دی
کہ خوشی کا وقت بھی آیا تو مسکرا نہ سکے
In this quote, the author says that life’s sorrows have been so bitter that even when happiness finally arrived, they were unable to smile. It reflects the depth of pain and emotional exhaustion, where past hardships overshadow present joy, making it difficult to truly feel happiness.
ہو سکتا ہے میں مر جاوں چند دنوں میں
ایک شخص دل جلا رہا ہے تھوڑا تھوڑا
In this quote, the author says that they feel their life is slowly fading away due to the emotional pain caused by someone. It expresses deep sorrow and heartbreak, as if their suffering is gradually consuming them, leading to an inevitable end.
کیسے پڑھتے ہیں ان کا جنازہ؟
جنھیں موت نہیں محبت مار دیتی ہے
In this quote, the author questions how one can offer funeral prayers for those who weren’t taken by death but were instead destroyed by love. It highlights the intensity of heartbreak, suggesting that some wounds of love are so deep that they become the cause of one’s emotional or even physical demise.
داستان محبت جب ہم سنائیں گے
آنسو ان آنکھوں سے بہتے چلیں جائیں گے
In this quote, the author says that when they recount the story of their love, tears will naturally flow from their eyes. It reflects the depth of their emotions and the pain hidden within their love story, suggesting that the memories are so overwhelming that they bring uncontrollable sorrow.
تمہاری چوٹ اندر سے کھا گئی ورنہ
ہمارے ساتھ کئی حادثے ہوئے تھے
In this quote, the author says that although they have faced many hardships in life, it was the emotional wound caused by their beloved that truly broke them from within. It highlights the idea that physical pain or external struggles are bearable, but the hurt caused by someone dear leaves a lasting impact.
کبھی کبھی ہر چیز اذیت لگتی ہے
یہاں تک کہ چلتی سانس بھی
In this quote, the author says that sometimes, everything in life feels painful and unbearable, even the act of breathing. It reflects a deep sense of emotional exhaustion and sorrow, where existence itself becomes a burden due to overwhelming grief.
زندگی تھک کے گرتی ہے تو خیال آتا ہے
جان لیوا ہے لا حاصل کی تمنا کرنا
In this quote, the author says that when life becomes overwhelming and exhausting, they realize how deadly it is to long for something unattainable. It reflects the pain of unfulfilled desires, emphasizing that chasing the impossible only leads to suffering and emotional breakdown.
تمہارے بعد یہ دکھ بھی تو سہنا پڑ رہا ہے
کسی کے ساتھ مجبوری میں رہنا پڑ رہا ہے
In this quote, the author says that after losing their beloved, they now have to endure the pain of being with someone out of necessity rather than love. It reflects deep sorrow and emotional struggle, highlighting the emptiness of a forced relationship when the heart still belongs to someone else.
کسی سے دل کوئی امید مت رکھ
یہاں ہوتا نہیں کوئی کسی کا
In this quote, the author says that one should not expect anything from others because, in this world, no one truly belongs to anyone. It reflects a bitter reality of life, emphasizing the idea that relying on others often leads to disappointment and heartbreak.
ہماری مسکان پر نہ جانا تم
دیا تو قبر پر بھی جلتا ہے
In this quote, the author says not to be deceived by their smile, as it doesn’t reflect their true emotions. Just like a lamp glows on a grave but cannot bring life back, their smile is merely an illusion hiding deep sorrow and pain within.
یہ درد دل کوئی دیکھنے کی چیز ہوتی
میں رکھ دیتا تیرے آگے کلیجہ چیر کر اپنا
In this quote, the author says that if the pain of the heart were something visible, they would have laid their torn chest open before their beloved. It expresses the intensity of their suffering, emphasizing that words cannot fully convey the depth of their emotional wounds.
آخر کیوں نا سزا ملتی ہم کو محبت کی
ہم نے بھی کتنے دل توڑے تیری خاطر
In this quote, the author says that they deserve to be punished for their love because, in their devotion to one person, they ended up breaking many other hearts. It reflects a sense of guilt and realization that love sometimes comes at the cost of hurting others.
جب یہ کہا کہ کرنا یاد دعاؤں میں
اس نے دعا میں ہاتھ اٹھانا چھوڑ دیا
In this quote, the author says that when they asked their beloved to remember them in prayers, the beloved stopped praying altogether. It reflects deep sorrow and disappointment, suggesting that instead of being remembered, they were completely forgotten.
وقت ملے تو بات کر لیا کرو
دھڑکن کا کیا بھروسہ کب رک جائے
In this quote, the author says that if possible, their beloved should take some time to talk to them because no one knows when their heartbeat might stop. It reflects a deep longing for attention and love, highlighting the unpredictability of life and the pain of being ignored.
اگر جو تم جان جاؤ تکلیف میری
تمہیں میری ہنسی پر ترس آئے گا
In this quote, the author says that if their beloved ever understands the depth of their pain, they will feel pity upon seeing their laughter. It reflects the idea that sometimes, smiles hide immense suffering, and those who truly see through them realize the unspoken sorrow behind the facade of happiness.
اسے کہنا میں بے سبب نہیں روتی
لوگ طعنہ دیتے ہیں تیرے نہ ہونے کا
In this quote, the author says to tell their beloved that they do not cry without reason; rather, people constantly remind them of their absence with taunts. It reflects the pain of separation and the emotional wounds caused not only by losing a loved one but also by society’s harsh words.
تیری بددعا میں اثر نہیں ہے شاید
میں بیمار تو ہوتا ہوں پر مرتا نہیں
In this quote, the author says that their beloved’s curse seems to have no effect, as they fall ill but never reach the end. It reflects a sense of emotional endurance, where despite facing suffering, they continue to survive, perhaps as a form of silent resistance against the pain inflicted upon them.